Any kind of addiction involves the body, mind, soul and spirit. Even though an individual's appearance does not reflect its signs, its damaging effects could already be creeping over the individual's inner being. This is why experts do advise holistic addiction treatment more than the conventional one.
With appropriate medical attention, the damaged body can recuperate sooner than expected. As the body heals, the mind, soul and spirit can remain stagnated when not attended. Psychological and science combined has come up with appropriate procedures that can combat negative effects of addiction like depression and isolation.
What makes this type of therapy different from conventional rehabilitation? Conventional rehabilitation generally offers basic medical services which treat the problem and management of the withdrawal symptoms which may come right after the detoxification program. Holistic addiction treatment, on the other hand, includes psychological and spiritual care among others for the individual's complete recovery.
What else can you expect from this kind of treatment? Its completion takes at least three months or ninety days. It can extend longer though in accordance to the situation of the individual concerned. The latter may request for additional months of stay up to a year or more until he becomes comfortable in functioning normally and unaffected of any kind of temptation.
Detoxification is the primary process which frees the entire body of toxic substances that caused the dependence. Through medical procedures, these substances are reduced to a cellular level to achieve normal functioning of the brain and the body once more. This serves as the foundation of addiction treatment programs in line with their goal of freeing individuals from being substance dependent. To reduce the desire of ingesting the addictive substances, there are sets of practices which are slowly introduced to the recovering individual. These include intake of supplements, observance of balanced diet and performance of light exercises. Each of these redirects the individual's focus on things which build up and not destroy one's health.
With appropriate medical attention, the damaged body can recuperate sooner than expected. As the body heals, the mind, soul and spirit can remain stagnated when not attended. Psychological and science combined has come up with appropriate procedures that can combat negative effects of addiction like depression and isolation.
What makes this type of therapy different from conventional rehabilitation? Conventional rehabilitation generally offers basic medical services which treat the problem and management of the withdrawal symptoms which may come right after the detoxification program. Holistic addiction treatment, on the other hand, includes psychological and spiritual care among others for the individual's complete recovery.
What else can you expect from this kind of treatment? Its completion takes at least three months or ninety days. It can extend longer though in accordance to the situation of the individual concerned. The latter may request for additional months of stay up to a year or more until he becomes comfortable in functioning normally and unaffected of any kind of temptation.
Detoxification is the primary process which frees the entire body of toxic substances that caused the dependence. Through medical procedures, these substances are reduced to a cellular level to achieve normal functioning of the brain and the body once more. This serves as the foundation of addiction treatment programs in line with their goal of freeing individuals from being substance dependent. To reduce the desire of ingesting the addictive substances, there are sets of practices which are slowly introduced to the recovering individual. These include intake of supplements, observance of balanced diet and performance of light exercises. Each of these redirects the individual's focus on things which build up and not destroy one's health.
Other procedures which aim at healing the emotions and spirituality are slowly introduced once the brain gets free of chemicals and right judgment is regained. These are usually done in groups but one to one discussions are conducted too for a more professional approach. In here, individuals are encouraged to openly talk about the causes of their addictions. This method helps them evaluate how they can avoid possibility of future addictions. In the same manner, they are taught one how to get back as normal and as productive as possible.
Holistic addiction treatment for mental health conditions is provided in varied facilities. One must be careful though in selecting the right one. Here is a reminder. A combination of the medical, psychological and spiritual programs is the ideal option for an addict's total recovery. Medical attention alone can cure the physical damage but not the scars the individual's soul incurred during the addiction. When all faculties are healed, the entire person is renewed.
By Nancy Terence
Holistic addiction treatment for mental health conditions is provided in varied facilities. One must be careful though in selecting the right one. Here is a reminder. A combination of the medical, psychological and spiritual programs is the ideal option for an addict's total recovery. Medical attention alone can cure the physical damage but not the scars the individual's soul incurred during the addiction. When all faculties are healed, the entire person is renewed.
By Nancy Terence
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