You should be aware that airlines have strict policies about women in the latter part of their third trimester flying. In fact after 36 weeks of pregnancy they frown on it and will need your doctor to state in writing that you are in fact allowed to take the flight. You may have a hard time getting your doctor to write such a document because at 36 weeks you can give birth at any time.
So take along a copy of your prenatal chart. This chart should have your age, your (LMP) last menstrual period, it should list any allergies you may have, all your previous test results, your blood pressure results, urine test results, your surgical and medical history. You will need to make sure you have listed your emergency contacts outside and within the area you are visiting. The next step will then be to pack all the medications you will need to have for any ailments you possess and don't forget to pack your vitamins especially folic acid which is vital during pregnancy.
Remember that it may be difficult to get some of your critical medication in the place you will be visiting and while it might be tempting to take these medications out of their original bottles and only stack up on what you believe you will need especially if it is a short trip.
It will also contain records of your blood pressure, urine test and antenatal test results. You should also make sure that all your contacts are listed both from where you are visiting and from home, so that they can be contacted in case of emergency. After all that is done you need to make sure that you pack all vitamins and medication. You might have some difficulty obtaining your medications wherever you may be going. However, do not take your medication out of the original packaging with the labels as you may need to prove that they are in fact medications that you need for your health when passing through customs.
By Gardelee Benandanio
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